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One week before winning the £35 million jackpot on the UK lottery Paul starts a relationship with Sharmini, a smouldering hot Indian beauty. After a whirlwind romance, they fall madly in love. Paul now has to get rid of his previously unfaithful nightmare of a wife.
A teaser of the book "Guildford Rock"
She regularly stayed out late at night, sometimes she would roll home at 3 or 4 in the morning. Her whole existence revolved around her own personal pleasure. No one would ever think she was married. She acted as though she wasn't; which was obvious by the state of the house. If Jeff hadn't cleaned the place, the house would never have been cleaned.
It was two years into this disastrous marriage; just before Christmas. Jeff went into his local dry cleaners to pick up his ambulance uniform. The owners were very pleased to see him and asked him if he would like to take his wife's dry cleaning. Thinking it would only be a few bits and pieces he agreed, and thinking it wouldn't come to more than £5 £6, or £10 at the most. He was horrified when he was told there was over £280.00 worth of dry cleaning waiting to be picked up.
That year Jeff bought a clothes rack, put all of Mandy's dry cleaning on it, wrapped it all up in Christmas paper with a big pom-pom on it, and stood it in the middle of the living room as her Christmas present. "She wasn't too happy about that."
At one time Jeff contracted a Socially (Sexually) transmitted disease from his wife. Even though he knew he hadn't been screwing around he knew it must have come from his beautiful wife. A dilemma. What could he do? If he wanted to keep his marriage together he had to let it slide. What else was he to do? Deep down he knew his marriage was doomed. But a few months later, the straw that finally broke the camel's back "As far as the marriage was concerned," was a function his wife was supposed to be working at. She was supposed to go there and give out programs at the door starting at 6.30 pm until 9.00 pm seeing it was in Guildford, about 30 miles from where they lived, she should have been able to get home by 10.30 pm or 11.00 pm at the latest. When she finally arrived home at 09.30 am the following morning, Jeff was in no mood to hear her pathetic excuse.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DMYLB0SI have just finished reading the Rhombus and found it a real page-turner. The plot was exciting and the characters became my friends. I didn't want the book to end. I am looking forward to reading "Bad Ivory" and "Sorted."
5.0 Out of 5 Stars
Reviewed in Thailand on February 2021
I have just finished reading the Rhombus and found it a real page-turner. The plot was exciting and the characters became my friends. I didn't want the book to end.
5.0 Out of 5 Stars
Reviewed in the UK on 3 March 2021
Verified Amazon Purchase
Excellent story and well written.
I can’t wait to read the next one.
5.0 Out of 5 Stars
Reviewed from a Free Promotion United Kingdom on 4 May 2022
Great book with plenty of action with a great story about elephant poachers. Plenty of twists and turns.
Phil Mitchell
With all four books completed, I've now finished the movie scripts for each and as a bonus, I have placed them within the books.